
HoldbrookPrimary School and Nursery

'Dare to Dream, Aim to Achieve'

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Overarching Aims of our EYFS Curriculum


The Intention of our curriculum runs through our entire school starting at Nursery and ending at Year 6. 

In addition to this, we have developed the Aims of our EYFS setting and then broken this down further into Goals for our Nursery and Reception class. 


Our Children

We want our children to be happy and safe learners that form positive relationships with all. 

We want our children to become independent learners that are engaged in their play. 

We want our children to make progress from their starting points so they are well prepared for year 1. 


Our Staff

We want our staff to have meaningful and purposeful interactions with our children, providing opportunities to develop children’s communication skills. 


Our Environment

We want our EYFS setting to be an inclusive and creative environment where children are immersed in rich language and respected by all. 


By the end of Nursery children will: 

  • Navigate around the Nursery independently.

  • Listen to short stories and join in lots of nursery rhymes.

  • Be engaged in our play and play alongside one another.

  • Enjoy talking to our teachers and friends.

  • Be curious and creative about our world.

  • Be able to recognise and write our own name.

  • Explore and manipulate numbers up to 5.


By the end of Reception children will: 

  • Navigate around the Reception independently

  • Listen, enjoy and respond to stories.

  • Be aware of our own feelings and know how to behave in school.

  • Make friends in reception class and be aware of their feelings.

  • Use full sentences to express our ideas.

  • Ask questions and find out the answers about the

  • Appreciate world we live in.

  • Read and write short sentences.

  • Explore and manipulate numbers up to 10.
