I am Mrs Burnett and am delighted to be teaching Reception this year.
In our class we are supported by Mrs Bliss, Miss D'Arcy and Miss Corekci.
In order to support your child at home with their learning please:
In Reception we follow 2 basic principles-we look after our classroom by remembering to Choose It, Use It and Put It Away. We look after our friends by using Kind Hands, Kind Feet and Kind Words.
Each term we have a new topic which allows your child to build on their learning . These can be accessed using the link below for half termly topics. The learning prepares your child for the transition into Year 1.
We complete drawing club, Maths and learning journal activities weekly and have a daily RWI phonics lesson. Resources for phonics are given weekly for you to complete with your child at home or you can print at home using the link below. This work is displayed within their books and sometimes displayed on tapestry too.