
HoldbrookPrimary School and Nursery

'Dare to Dream, Aim to Achieve'

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Welcome to Reception


I am Mrs Rothery and am delighted to be teaching Reception this year.

In our class we are supported by Mrs Bliss, Mrs Langdon, Mrs Folliard and Miss Corekci.


In order to support your child at home with their learning please:

  • Read with your child as much as possible, sharing stories is a wonderful way to encourage a love of reading. 
  • Check our Tapestry online learning journal as often as possible, this will show you all of the wonderful learning your child has been doing and enable you to ask them about it! Engage your child in conversation with "I saw a photo of you doing...", this will help support your child's communication and language development. 


In Reception we follow 2 basic principles-we look after our classroom by remembering to Choose It, Use It and Put It Away. We look after our friends by using Kind Hands, Kind Feet and Kind Words.


Our first Summer topic is Near and Far. We will be continuing to reinforce how to use our inside and outside environments and play with our friends. We will be beginning to prepare for the transition to year 1.


Each week we will be looking at a core text and completing independent and adult led activities based on this book. In the first half term these include an Atlas, A Ticket Around the World, How to Catch a Star and Aliens Love Underpants. We will continue our Phonics sessions learning to recognise and write single sounds and special friends (2 letters, 1 sound). We will also be reading and writing short words and phrases and writing red words-words which we cannot sound out.


In Maths we will be introducing numbers beyond 10 and then 20. We will be using them to make patterns and finding out how to add more and take some away using first, then, now e.g first I had 4, then I added 6, now I have 10. In RE we will be listening to stories from other countries and religions. In PSHE we will be exploring our relationships with different people and groups and how they make us feel. We will be finding out about different countries around the world and how they are similar and different to our own country. We will also be heading into space with our own rocket in the role play area and discovering how astronauts live and what there is in the solar system. In PE we will be developing our ball skills including rolling, dribbling and aiming a ball.


After half term our topic is All Creatures Great and Small. Our core texts include Rumble in the Jungle, The Tiger Who Came to Tea, The Ugly 5, The Hungry Caterpillar, Spinderella, Oi Frog and What the Ladybird Heard. We will begin to apply our phonics skills to reading and writing sentences and short stories with increasing independence.


In Maths we will be identifying odd and even numbers, sharing and grouping, using positional language including making maps and making more complex patterns. In PE we will be reinforcing our ball skills learnt last half term and learning how to use these as part of a team. In RE we will look at the different places of worship for each main religion and in PSHE our topic is Changing Me. We will be thinking ahead to the changes coming as we move to Year 1. We will be researching facts about different animals and the habitats they live in and their life cycles.



Please check our class page regularly as we will be updating it with all our wonderful learning!

