
HoldbrookPrimary School and Nursery

'Dare to Dream, Aim to Achieve'

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

I am Mrs Delpeche and am delighted to be teaching Year 1 this year.

In our class we are supported by Mrs Moore and Miss K.

This term our topics are Bright Lights Big City and Fire Fire.


We have P.E on a Monday and Thursday .



In order to support your child at home with their learning please encourage them to: 

  • Be responsible readers and read every night.
  • Bring their book bag every day and write (with support) in their reading record.
  • Organise their belongings so that they are ready to learn.
  • Complete all the home learning tasks set.
  •  Year 1 statutory spelling lists - sent out weekly.
  • Practise their real and alien words ready for the Phonics test.
  • Practise their lovely leads in their handwriting.
  • Talk about what they have been learning each day in school.
  • Practising quick recall of number facts such as doubles and halves, number bonds to 10/20 and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
  • Find out some facts about our topics below.


Spring Term Learning

This term in English we will be using the books ‘ The Queen's Hat’ and ‘Grandad's Island’ as a focus for our writing alongside writing a recount of 'Our Trip to the woods.' We will also be increasing our range of vocabulary and using it in our writing. We will be using the Writing Rainbow to secure and build on our basic sentence structure (capital letters, full stops, finger spaces, making sense, using our sounds to spell). 


In Maths we will be covering the topics shapes, height and length, numbers to 40,addition and subtraction word problems and multiplication and division.


In Science we will be learning about Animals and the different groups that they belong to. We will also be revisiting the topic Materials and exploring it in more depth.

In Computing our theme will be Coding and we will be looking at the units Lego Builders and Maze Explorers on the programme Purple mash.

Our History topic this term is The Great Fire of London. We will be learning all about the event and exploring the life of Samuel Peeps.

In Geography we will be learning all about the city London and its features. We will begin to use compass points and directional language.

In Art we will be be exploring the unit - Colour splash .  The children will have the opportunity to explore colour mixing through paint play. They will create paintings inspired by Clarice Cliff and Jasper Jones.In D&T the children will be exploring the unit- Playgrounds. They will be exploring the components, materials and features of playground equipment.


We will be taking part in the PSHCE Curriculum and completing the topics, ‘ Dreams and Goals and Healthy Me.'


In R.E we will be exploring Christianity and exploring the questions ' Was it always easy For Jesus to show friendship?  Why  was Jesus welcomed like a king of Palm Sunday?'


In PE we will explore the units Dance and Gymnastics.

In Music we will learning about the different styles of music from around the world and using instruments to make music.



All of the curriculum information can be found on the curriculum page on the website. 

If you would like to speak to me about your child’s learning please contact the office and I will be in contact. 

Please check the website regularly as we will be updating it with all of the wonderful learning that has been taking place. 


Recommended Websites


Recommended Websites:  

BBC Bitesize

Oxford Owl (reading Site)

BBC Phonics help

Phonics Play

Phonics games

Phonics Games

 Oak National Academy




Our First Forest School Session

Epping District Museum - Year 1 attended a Toys from the past workshop.
