
HoldbrookPrimary School and Nursery

'Dare to Dream, Aim to Achieve'

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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 

Welcome to Year 4

I am Miss Nicolaou and am delighted to be teaching Year 4 this year.

In our class we are supported by and Miss Page and Ms Short.

This Spring term our topics are ‘Victorian Britain’ and ‘The Amazon Rainforest’.

We have P.E once a week on Thursday.

We have swimming once a week on a Tuesday.

Please ensure your child brings in a full PE kit with them at the beginning of the week.


 In order to support your child at home with their learning please encourage them to: 

  • Be responsible reader and read for 20 minutes every night
  • Complete all the home learning tasks set
  • Learn their Year 3/4 glossaries
  • Revise their Year 1/2 spelling lists
  • Learn Year 3/4 spelling lists (copies are in their reading records)  
  • Complete their Lexia units and time
  • Practise their times tables up to 12x12 by using TT Rockstars
  • Develop their mental maths skills using Numbots
  • Ensure that they can tell the time using both analogue and digital clocks

Summer Term Learning


This term in English we will be writing a variety of genres including a persuasive letter. Their fiction writing will be based around 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' by Roald Dahl and 'The Magic Paintbrush' by Julia Donaldson. Their learning will include a clear focus on developing the skills needed to organise and structure their work, e.g. sentence structure, using paragraphs and developing their vocabulary. Year 4 will develop their knowledge of different forms of punctuation and grammatical terms and how these can be used to improve their writing.


In Maths we will be revising the basic four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and learning all about mass, volume and length, money, geometry, area, position and movement sna roman numerals.


In Science we will be learning about living things and their habitats.


We will be learning about animation, effective searching, hardware and making music in Computing.


Our History topic this term is ‘Anglo-Saxon’. We will be learning about what life was like in the Anglo Saxon era and comparing this to our lives in the 21st century.


Our Geography topic this term is ‘Where to Settle?'. We will be learning about different settlements and what composes a settlement. We will be using both our human and physical geography skills and developing these skills.


In Art the children will be analysing work by different artists. In DT we will be exploring structures.


We will be taking part in the PSHCE Curriculum and completing the topics: ‘Relationships' and 'Changing Me'.


In R.E we will be learning about Buddhism and exploring the associated beliefs and practices – What is the best way for a Buddhist to live a good life? We will also be learning about Christianity and considering - Do people need to go to church to show they are Christians?


Year 4 will also be continuing their French lessons; this term the topics are ‘Going Shopping' and 'Where in the World'.


Their P.E will be with our Sports Coach, Mr T, and they will be focusing on the fundamentals of Cricket and Athletics.


Music will be taught by our music teacher, Mr Rollo, and the children’s learning will be based around the songs from different countries and time periods.


All of the curriculum information can be found on the curriculum page on the website.

If you would like to speak to me about your child’s learning, please contact the office and I will be in contact.


Please check the website regularly as we will be updating it with all the wonderful learning that has been taking place.



Year 4 Home Learning Ideas

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