I am Mrs Downey and am delighted to be teaching Year 5 this year.
In our class we are supported by Mrs Ramthor.
We have P.E twice a week on Monday and Thursday.
Year 5 are expected to complete approximately 1 hour of homework every night. In order to support your child at home with their learning please encourage them to:
Spring Term Learning
This term, in English, we will be writing a variety of genres including poetry and information texts. Our fiction writing will include a narrative based on ‘Float’ and ‘The Nowhere Emporium’. Our learning will include a clear focus on the skills of drafting and editing. We will continue to develop our knowledge of different forms of punctuation and grammatical terms and how these can be used to improve our writing.
In maths, we will continue to learn maths following the Maths No Problem scheme. This term, we will focus mainly on fractions, decimals percentages and geometry. Alongside these areas, children will revise and consolidate the number skills already covered this year.
In science this term, we will learn about forces, including gravity and friction. We will also learn about how levers can help us to move heavy loads. We will then move on to deepening our understanding of living things - finding out about life cycles in animals and reproduction in plants.
In computing, we will be learning how to create some fun adventure games and how to use spreadsheets effectively to organise and sort data..
Our history topic this term is ‘Ancient Greece’. We will find out about how the Ancient Greeks lived their daily lives, their greatest achievements and how the work of many Ancient Greeks still impact on our life today.
In geography, we will be finding out how water is used on earth, with a focus on rivers and pollution. We will find out how river systems develop, how they are used by various groups of people and how we can look after them.
In art, we will be looking at art installations. We will start by evaluating several examples of this type of art and then try making some of our own.
In design and technology, we will be learning about bridges - different designs and how to build strength into them.
Our learning in PSHCE will focus on 'Dreams & Goals' and 'Healthy Me'.
In R.E, we will be learning about Sikhism, with a special focus on the relevance of Sikh stories to the religion today. We will look at Christianity and will be considering how significant it is for Christians to believe that God intended Jesus to die.
We will be continuing to develop their French reading, writing and speaking skills. The topic headings this term are 'That's Tasty' and 'Family & Friends'.
Our PE lessons will be taught be Coach George. We will be developing our netball and gymnastic skills this half term. After half term we will develop our dodgeball skills. We will also be doing Forest School at this time.
Music will be taught by our music teacher, Mr Turner, and learning will be based around developing an understanding of how musical scores are developed for film soundtracks.
All of the curriculum information can be found on the curriculum page on the website.
If you would like to speak to me about your child’s learning please contact the office and I will be in contact.
Please check the website regularly as we will be updating it with all of the wonderful learning that has been taking place.