
HoldbrookPrimary School and Nursery

'Dare to Dream, Aim to Achieve'

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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

We are Miss Bell & Miss Folliard and we are delighted to be teaching Year 2 this year.

In our class we are supported by Mrs Young & Mrs K.

This term we will be learning about A Knight’s Tale and All Around the World.

We have Forest school on Tuesday and P.E on Thursday.



In order to support your child at home with their learning please encourage them to: 

  • Be responsible readers and read every night
  • Bring their book bag every day and write (with support) in their reading record
  • Organise their belongings so that they are ready to learn
  • Complete all the home learning tasks set
  • Learn Year 1/2 statutory spelling lists
  • Practise their real and alien words ready for the Phonics test
  • Complete their Numbots time
  • Practise their lovely leads in their handwriting
  • Talk about what they have been learning each day in school
  • Practising quick recall of number facts such as doubles and halves, number bonds to 10/20 and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
  • Find out some facts about our topics below

Spring Term Learning

This term in English we will be using the books ‘George and the Dragon’ and ‘Little Red Reading Hood’ as a focus for our writing along with writing instructions about ‘How to make a bird feeder’. We will also be increasing our range of vocabulary and using it in our poetry. We will be using the Writing Rainbow to secure and build on our basic sentence structure (capital letters, full stops, finger spaces, making sense, using our sounds to spell). For instructions we will be using bossy (imperative) verbs like ‘put’ or ‘cut’. We will continue to practise our handwriting and spelling of Year 1 and 2 common exception words. In Reading we will continue to read individually and as a group, developing our Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explaining and Sequencing skills.


In Maths we will be covering the topics of Multiplication and Division of 2, 5 and 10,  Length and Mass, Temperature, Picture Graphs, Word Problems, Money and 2D/3D Shape.


In Science, our topics are Materials: Shaping Up and The Apprentice Gardener.


In Computing, we will be learning how to search and how to make pictures in computing. 


Our History and Geography topics this term are looking at Castles in the UK and studying the seven continents of the world.


In Art and D.T the children will be using a range of techniques and materials to make a moving structure. We will also be focusing on drawing where the children will be experimenting with drawing on different surfaces and beginning to explore tone using a variety of pencil grades to show form; drawing light/dark lines, patterns and shapes.


We will be learning about our Dreams and Goals and Healthy Me in PSHE.


In R.E we will be asking ‘Does praying at regular intervals help a Muslim in his/her life?’ and ‘How important is it to Christians that Jesus came back to life after the crucifixion?’


We will also be studying the units ‘I wanna play in a band’ and ‘Zootime’, using our voices and instruments in Music and practising our invasion game skills and yoga in P.E.


All of the curriculum information can be found on the curriculum page on the website. 

If you would like to speak to me about your child’s learning please contact the office and I will be in contact. 

Please check the website regularly as we will be updating it with all of the wonderful learning that has been taking place.


Year 2 Home Learning projects

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