Welcome to Year 3
I am Mrs Delpeche and am delighted to be teaching Year 3 this year.
In our class we are supported by Ms Joy and Ms Connolly
We have P.E twice a week on Wednesday and Forest School on Tuesday.
Year 3 are expected to complete 30 minutes of homework every night.
In order to support your child at home with their learning please encourage them to:
Spring Term Learning
This term in English Year 3 will be writing a variety of genres including instructions. Their fiction writing will include a narrative based on the books ‘Stone Age Boy’, ‘The Iron Man’ and ‘My Strong Mind’. Their learning will include a clear focus on the skills of drafting and editing. Year 3 will continue to develop their knowledge of different forms of punctuation and grammatical terms and how these can be used to improve their writing.
In Maths, Year 3 will continue to learn maths following the Maths No Problem scheme. This scheme is based on the highly effective, research based Singapore method of teaching mathematics. Lessons and activities are taught using a problem-solving approach to encourage the development of higher-level thinking. Ample time is spent on topics in order to deepen understanding and master concepts. New concepts are initially learned using concrete examples before moving on to pictorial representations and finally abstract symbols. The focus of the series is on teaching to mastery.
In Science, the Year 3 topics are ‘The Power of Forces’ and ‘How does your garden grow?’ They will also be learning about ‘Our Changing World’ - a topic that will be on-going throughout the year.
The children will be learning how to code, including the use of timers, to use spreadsheets before moving on to touch typing and email.
Our History topic this term is ‘Stone Age to Iron Age’. Year 3 will be learning how we know about ancient history when nothing was written down, why the Neolithic period was so important and what it was like to live in the Bronze and Iron Ages.
Our Geography topic this term is ‘How do we use our land?’
In Art the children will be learning about prehistoric painting, making their own paints, tools and painting on different surfaces and in D.T their topic is ‘Cooking and Nutrition’ where they will learn about eating seasonally.
The children will be continuing with our PSHCE Curriculum and completing the topics: ‘Dreams and Goals’ and ‘Healthy Me’.
In R.E, Year 3 will be learning about Christianity this term. They will be investigating the questions: ‘Could Jesus heal people?’ and ‘How important is it to Christians that Jesus came back to life after his crucifixion?’
Year 3 will be continuing with their French lessons this term with our French teacher.
Their P.E will be with our Sports Coach, Mr S, and they will be focusing on dance, netball and gymnastics.
Music will be taught by our music teacher, and the children’s learning will be based around the topics ‘Three Little Birds’ and ‘The Dragon Song’.