
HoldbrookPrimary School and Nursery

'Dare to Dream, Aim to Achieve'

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I am Miss Greene and I am delighted to be teaching Nursery this year.

In our class we are supported by Miss Wray, Mrs Corekci and Miss Jess.

We work as a team and we would like to welcome you (Parents/Carers) to join us,

to work in partnership, to ensure your child reaches their full potential.


This 2nd half of Summer term our topic is GREEN FINGERS!

Children are natural gardeners and love to play and learn outdoors,

where they can interact with nature.

They are curious, love flowers and [some] minibeasts

and they enjoy playing in the dirt.

The garden can be used as a canvas for some relaxation and free play, 

giving them an opportunity to utilize all their senses,

as they experience the unpredictability of nature. 

Learning can be such fun!


(The planning is available to view on the 'Planning Board' inside the nursery.)


We will learn and develop through a balance

of adult directed and child initiated play, both indoors and outdoors.

Please ensure your child is appropriately dressed for the weather,

with a spare set of clothes to change into should they get messy or wet.

Also during this Summer Term we need to keep safe in the sun,

so please ensure your child is protected with sun-cream and a hat


This term we will continue our daily phonics lessons,

using the Read Write Inc scheme. 

Please look on Tapestry to support your child with this.

The letter sounds are taught in the following order...



In nursery we look after our classroom, always remembering to...

'Choose It, Use It and Put It Away'

and we look after our friends by using kind hands and kind words.


Please click on the 1st star below


to view a sample of some of our exciting activities... 


In order to support your child at home, with their learning and development, please encourage:

  • Speaking and Listening– Two way communication is so important in the early years. Ask questions about your child's morning in Nursery (use Tapestry to prompt discussions). Give your child plenty of time to think and answer.
  • Turn taking and sharing– Play games which require taking turns and sharing.
  • Reading– Look at books together and discuss the pictures. Let your child tell you the story, through the pictures. Read books regularly (bed-time story) and repeat stories. Repetition is key to learning at this early stage.
  • Counting and number recognition– Count objects and actions (e.g. going up/down the stairs). Look at numbers in the environment (e.g when shopping, when walking home – on front doors, car number-plates, etc).
  • Sing nursery rhymes– (Use YouTube if you are not sure of the words)


If you would like to speak to me I am available before or after

school most days. Please contact the office to make an appointment.


Nursery Classroom Environment
