
HoldbrookPrimary School and Nursery

'Dare to Dream, Aim to Achieve'

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In 2021 we introduced Jane Considine’s Spelling Programme to support our teaching of spelling. This aims to teach spelling logically, providing children with lifelong strategies for spelling.


As part of the programme, children are taught to understand how matching sounds to the most likely representation of letters will strengthen their spelling.


The spellings of patterns are explored through 3 areas on a spelling rainbow-grouping (patterns of spelling), improving (easing the pressure of spelling) and acquiring (remembering and recalling).


Spelling is taught over a 2 week timetable. In week 1 there is a longer investigation task and a Go Grapheme Grafters session where we take a look at patterns and work to prove or disprove a spelling idea. In the second week there are 5 shorter slots to experience pace and take a quicker look at spelling.
