At Holdbrook our history curriculum provides a context from which to understand ourselves and others thus providing pupils with a sense of identity. Events of the past have shaped the customs and beliefs of the communities to which we belong. Learning about these events allows pupils to make sense of the world in which they live. Studying history improves our decision making and judgment skills as it shows us models of good and responsible citizenship as well as teaching us to learn from the mistakes of others.
History is an examination of the past, a process which demands the search for evidence and involves several key skills such as research, analysis and evaluation. This process allows children to develop their critical thinking which can also be applied to information encountered in everyday life. Furthermore, pupils will develop the concepts of continuity and change which are frequently part of our experiences.
To summarise: “Knowing about the past helps us understand the present.”
The History Curriculum
When devising our curriculum we thought about the 4 key themes. These are:
1. Change and Continuity
2. Causation
3. Similarity and Difference
4. Historical Significance
The content of our curriculum is based around the history national curriculum. It is important to us that our curriculum reflects the diversity of our school community. For example: We learn about the Windrush Generation in Year 6 and Mary Seacole in Year 2.
Where the national curriculum provides an element of choice, we have chosen carefully selected topics that will help our children develop an understanding of British Values.
For example: In Year 5 the children will study Crime and Punishment. This unit will help the children to develop an appreciation of the rule of law and reflect on how to be a responsible citizens.
In Year 6 the children will study the Atlantic Slave Trade. This unit will help the children develop understanding of individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, and for those without faith.
We also wanted our children to develop a clear understanding of chronology.
In Key Stage 1 this consists of knowing about the past and present and where an event fits into a chronological framework. E.g. Castles were built by the Normans 1066
In Key Stage 2, the children will study prehistoric and ancient history each year; a study on an invader and settler each year and a historically significant event or period.